AKC ptd Coda 'n Classic's Tell 'n Tales |
5-15-2010 |
Echo of the Home Port CL-1(Belgium) |
(male) MF/CH, R-FE/GrCH, InS/CH
Classic N’ Coda’s Let’s Boogie! CGC,
FDX-MF, FDX-HTM, CL1, CL3-F, CL3-H, CL3-S, NAC, NJC, Owners: agility photos:
Joe Camp |
photos: Dick Capello |
"Zap" (male) Owners: Bob & Mindy Peletier Zap's rat! getting his first leg for RATN with 3rd place. |
Zap and Bob are training in agility, obedience, barn hunt, rally-o and nosework. |
"Blade" (male) UKC CH |
Blade LOVES agility |
"Lindy" (female) Classic 'n Coda's Lindy
Hop Owners: The Sues |
Lindy is training in agility, and nosework Dancer & Lindy |
"Hustle" (male) Owners: The Sues |
"Dancer" (female) Classic 'n Coda's Bosa Nova Dancer & Lindy |